
Sunday, August 28, 2011


Quick attack
.quick kick:/kick # $* 4Get Out
.kick with reason:/kick # $* $$?="Enter reason:"
.kick ban:/kb $*
.kick ban (why?):/ban $$1 2 3 | /kick # $$1 $$?="Reason:"
.kick ban (inviter):/ban $$1 2 | /kick # $$1 4Inviter Out
.kick ban (spaming):/ban $$1 2 | /kick # $$1 4Spaming Out
.kick ban (Flood):/ban $$1 2 | /kick # $$1 4Flood Out
.kick ban (Get Out):/ban $$1 2 | /kick # $$1 4Get Out
.acces in ( $+ $chan $+ ):/cs why $chan $$1
.$iif(o isin $usermode,kills)
..akill evade:{ kill $$* akill evasion. ( $+ $date $asctime(h:nn tt) }
..abusive client:{ kill $$* abusive client. ( $+ $date $asctime(h:nn tt) }
..comprimised machine:{ kill $$* comprimised machine. ( $+ $date $asctime(h:nn tt) }
..not welcome:{ kill $$* not welcome on this network. ( $+ $date $asctime(h:nn tt) }
..nuker - flooder:{ kill $$* nuker / flooder. ( $+ $date $asctime(h:nn tt) }
..offensive nick:{ kill $$* offensive nick / ident. ( $+ $date $asctime(h:nn tt) }
..proxy clone flooder:{ kill $$* proxy clone flooding. ( $+ $date $asctime(h:nn tt) }
..custom:{ kill $$* $$?="enter reason for kill." ( $+ $date $asctime(h:nn tt) }
.mass kick:/mkick
$iif(o isin $usermode,[force])
.force part ( $+ $chan $+ ):/sapart $$1 #
.force join:/sajoin $$?="Enter Nick :" $$?="Enter Channel :"
.mass fp:/sapart $$*: #
.mass fj:/sajoin $$*: $$?="Enter channel:"
.join private:{
  set %mover.nick $$*
  join #°ºwIRCº° | { .splay $mircdirsystem\office.wav }
  sajoin %mover.nick #°ºwIRCº°
.force nickname:/msg operserv raw :nickserv SVSNICK $$?="Nick" $$?="New Nick" :963086432
.force mode:/operserv raw svsmode $$?="Nick" $$?="-/+ Followed by mode"
.sajoin spam
..level 5 spam :spwn 5 $$1
..level 10 spam :spwn 10 $$1
..level 15 spam :spwn 15 $$1
..level 20 spam :spwn 20 $$1
..level 25 spam :spwn 25 $$1
..level 30 spam :spwn 30 $$1
..level 35 spam :spwn 35 $$1
..custom spam:spwn $$?="enter spam level: " $$1
$iif(o isin $usermode,[spy])
.on://os raw svsmode $$* +L 0#°ºwIRCº° | //join #°ºwIRCº°
.off://os raw svsmode $$* -L 0#°ºwIRCº°
$iif(o isin $usermode,[invisibility])
.activate:/partall | /timer 1 1 | //mode $me +I
.deactivate://mode $me -I | /timer 1 1 | hop #
$iif(o isin $usermode,[quick rehash]):/rehash | /rehash -vhost | /rehash -motd | /rehash -opedmotd
User info
.whois:whois $$*
.user central:uwho $$1
.address book:abook $$1
.resolve IP:/dns $$1
.finger user:{ finger $$1 }
.finger vhost:/msg nickserv info $$1
.info on user:{ .msg NickServ INFO All $$1 }
.op (+o):/mode # +o $*
.deop (-o):/mode # -o $*
.halfop (+h):/mode # +h $*
.dehalfop (-h):/mode # -h $*
.voice (+v):/mode # +v $*
.devoice (-v):/mode # -v $*
.protect (+a):/mode # +a $*
.unprotect (-a):/mode # -a $*
.exempt (+e):/mode # +e $*
.unexempt (-e):/mode # -e $*
Dcc / ctcp
.dcc chat $$1 to IP:dcc chat . $+ $$1
..send:dcc send $$1
..send to IP:dcc send . $+ $$1
.ctcp{ ctcp $$1 ping }
..finger:{ ctcp $$1 finger }
..version:{ ctcp $$1 version }
..time:{ ctcp $$1 time }
..userinfo:{ ctcp $$1 userinfo }
..clientinfo:{ ctcp $$1 clientinfo }{ ctcp $$1 Page $$?="Enter Message" }
..other:{ ctcp $$1 $$?="Enter CTCP Request" }
.slaps:/me slaps $$1 sambil dielus²
.goyang:/me slaps $$1 sambil digoyang goyang.
.trout:/me slaps $$1 with a large Trout
.shit:/me slaps the shit out of $$1
.kicks:/me kicks the fuck into $$1
.beats:/me beats the piss out of $$1
.fluffeh:/me fluffehs $$1
.dance:/me dances :D\-< | /me dances :D|-<  | /me dances :D/-<
.shake it:/me is about to shake dat thing :D | /me boogies.. :D | /me (_/_) | /me (_|_) | /me (_\_) Shake That ASS!
.own:/me is about to 0wn $$1
.bunny:/msg # teh bunny has risen! | /msg # and he is mad!! | /msg # (\_ _/) | /msg # (='.'=) | /msg # (")_(") | /msg #  $$1 , joo been HAXORIZED! | /kb $$1 ReEeeEeeEEhhhh
.pimp:/me Pimp Slaps $$1 with his dick
.sexup:/me Sexes up $$1 OoOoOooOoO lets get it on!!
.packets:/me packets the fuck out of $$1
.advertise:/me is using 4(15w12iRC 15v9.04) download it 14@ | { .splay $mircdirsystem\ezekiel.wav }
.Actions ++
...kiss1:/say Kiss-o-Meter [œ---------] 1/10 $$1
...kiss2:/say Kiss-o-Meter [œœ--------] 2/10 $$1..kiss3:/say Kiss-o-Meter [œœœ-------] 3/10 $$1
...kiss4:/say Kiss-o-Meter [œœœœ------] 4/10 $$1
...kiss5:/say Kiss-o-Meter [œœœœœ-----] 5/10 $$1
...kiss6:/say Kiss-o-Meter [œœœœœœ----] 6/10 $$1
...kiss7:/say Kiss-o-Meter [œœœœœœœ---] 7/10 $$1
...kiss8:/say Kiss-o-Meter [œœœœœœœœ--] 8/10 $$1..kiss9:/say Kiss-o-Meter [œœœœœœœœœ-] 9/10 $$1
...bestkiss:/say Kiss-o-Meter [œœœœœœœœœœ] 10/10 $$1 is the best kisser my lips ever locked on!!! 
..Throw In Lake:/me 1,8 throws $$1 in da lake12,11 . ¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸ 3><((((>4 $$1 3<))))>< 12.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·.¸ ¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸3 ><((((>1 $$1 3<))))>< 12 .·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·.¸ ¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸3 ><((((>5 $$1 3<))))>< 12.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·.¸ ¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸ 3><((((>13 $$1 3<))))><12 .·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·.¸
..Ants:/me throw some 4red ants on $$1's hair 4¤¤¤¤¤...hahahahahaha
..Red Alert:/me says  0,4R4,0E0,4D4,0 0,4A4,0L0,4E4,0R0,4T4,00,4!!! $$1 !!!4,00,4R4,0E0,4D4,0 0,4A4,0L0,4E4,0R0,4T
..Caution:/me says 8,1C1,8a8,1U1,8t8,1I1,8o8,1N 1,8 $$1 8,1!!! IS HERE !!!  8,1C1,8a8,1U1,8t8,1I1,8o8,1N
..Beating!://me Beats on $$1 awhile with $$?="Use a or an... What U Usin G?" ... Hope it HeRTz  %realm
..Ass Slap!://me Pulls Out a BIG Stick and Slaps $$1 's Ass For a Few.. HoPe It HeRTz  %realm
..Nose Stick!://me Stuffs a stick Up $$1 's Nose.. Can Ya Smell Better Now??  %realm
..Ear Stick!://me Shoves a stick In $$1 's Ear.. Can Ya Hear Better Yet??  %realm
..Throat Stick!://me Shoves a dildo Down $$1 's Throat.. Say What U Will Now!  %realm..Eye Poke!://me Pokes $$1 In The Eye With a finger.. Can Ya See Now??  %realm
..Ass KICK!://me Kicks $$1 In The Ass.. Leaving His Foot Embedded In His Asshole.. Guess U Can Stay.. I Need My Foot.  %realm
..Brain Swish!://me Sticks a RED Hot Curling Iron In $1's Ear And Swishes hisr Brain Around For awhile.. Is It Clear Now??   %realm
..Def Lame://say Definition of a lamer: | /say (lay-meh'er) | /say 1. A person who is not accepted by society | /say 2. A person who desnt know shit | /say 3. Example of a lamer: $$1  %realm
..Def Newbie://say Definition of a newbie: | /say (nee'uu-bee) | /say 1. A person who is intelectually inept. | /say 2. A person who does not know shit. | /say 3. Example of a newbie: $$1  %realm
..Handphone:/me 2slaps12 $$1 2around with his 4handphone 12throw his 4pager 2towards12 $$12....!!!!!!  %realm
..Wake:/me 12throws his monitor at $$1 just to wake $$1 up......!!!!!  %realm
..Shits:/me 12throws a lump of 5shits 12at4 $$1 12just to make him stinks like 4hell.....!!!!!!  %realm
..Fuck:/me 12fuck4 $$1 12upside-down until4 $$1 12cries in pain....!!!!!  %realm
..stone:/me 12has been turned to stone cause of $1 $+ 's uglyness!  %realm
..Surprise:/me 13sneaks up behind $1 and puts a live tarantula down $1 's pants!! " HeHeHeHe!  %realm
..Love:/me 9falls in love with $* 's beauty...   %realm
..Warning:/me 4WARNS12 $1 13to watch his mouth or risk being 4KICKED!   %realm
..Duck:/me 12slaps13 $1 12with a great 9big, wet,4 100% 9rubber 4DUCK!  %realm
..Bat:/me 12steps up to the plate and takes a practice swing.. | /say 9Here's the pitch! | /say 13Oops!  $1 got his head in the way!  | /say 4Ouch!  I bet that hurt!  %realm
..Fork:/me 4Takes Out A Fork.. | /me 9Approaches $1.. | /me 12Rams The Fork Up $1's Ass.   %realm
..Ass KICK!:/me 13Kicks $$1 In The Ass.. 12Leaving His Foot Embedded In His Asshole... 13Guess U Can Stay... 12I Need My Foot.  %realm
.Beat Down
..Stick:/me beats $$1 with a fucking stick!!
..Piss:/me stands at the top of a building and pisses on $$1's head
..Pissoff:/me tells $$1 to piss off
..9 Iron:/me decides to play golf with $$1's head. $me pulls out his 9 Iron and Bashes $$1's Fuckin Head!!
..OJ:/me puts on his Ski mask and stalks $$1 for a while. One day $me sees $$1 walking with somone he doesn't like. $me becomes insanely jealous and slices $$1 throat. When the IRCops ask who did it, $me blamed it on OJ Simpson!!
..Horney:/me thinks that $$1 is a horney faggot!! $me hates horney losers who probably suck their own Genitals !!
..Fire:/me pours gasoline all over $$1 then with a smirk takes out his lighter and lights $$1 on fire!! $me starts laughing his ass off.
..Hacksaw:/me pulls out his Hack Saw and cuts up $$1 into little pieces and feeds them to his dog.
..Shutup:/me asks $$1 do you ever shutup?
..Sword:/me takes out his razor sharp sword, gives an evil glare at $$1, then takes the sword and slashes $$1 until there guts fall out!!
.Love Actions
..Multi-Names:/me $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 0,1.:48[11 $$?="Reason for slaps2:" 8]40:.
..&Warm Hug:/me gives $$* a very warrmmm (((( HUG ))))
..&Hug colorfull:/me 4{5{6{7{8{9{1{2{3{4{5{6{7{8{9{1{4 $$1 3}4}5}6}7}8}9}1}2}3}4}5}6}7}8}9}1}
..&Kiss:/me **kisses** $$* $+ !
..&Slow Kiss:/me takes $$* into his arms and kisses
..&Mega Kiss!:/me lays $$1 on the ground, crawls on top of her and gives her a slow... long... deep... penetrating... sensual... tonsil tickling... orgasmic... hair straightening... toe curling... organ raising... nipple hardening... spine tingling... life-altering... fantasy causing... did i just see GOD??? I think my clothes are falling off! Why arnt we in bed?? Kind of kiss.
..Roses: /me showers you with roses 4@3}-13>--·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·  $1 .¸.·´¯`·.¸.--13<-3{4@ 4@3}-13>--.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸--13<-3{4@ 4@3}-13>--¸.·´¯`·.¸. , $1  .,,.·´¯`·.--13<-3{4@ 4@3}-13>--`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸ .·´¯`·.¸--13<-3{4@ 4@3}-13>-- .¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·.¸. $1 ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸--13<-3{4@ 4@3}-13>--.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´ ¯`·.¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.--13<-3{4@ 4@3}-13>--¸.·´¯`·.¸ $1  :)
..RadioactiveRoses:/me gives 15,2 $$1  15,15  14,14  1,1  10,1@9,1}3,1--4,1`4,1--4,1,9,1--4`13,1--4,1-14,14  15,15   a radiocative rose.... hehehe
..Normrose: /me hands 15,2 $+ $$1 $+  a 4,1@9,1}3,1--9,1`3,1--9,1,3,1--9`3,1--9,1-
..Dozen Roses:/me 0--------4 {@}  {@} | /me 0-----4 {@} {@} {@}   | /me 0--4 {@} {@} {@} {@}   | /me 0---9 \4 {@} {@} {@} 9/ | /me 0-------9 \ \ \ L / / / | /me 0-------9 \\ \ O / // | /me 0----------9\\ V // | /me 0-----------9\\E// | /me 0-----------9>1=9< | /me 0----------- 9//(\\ | /me 10 gives  $$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6    A Dozen Roses
Bad mofo
...on:/enable #shit | echo -at 12-(1313info12!11shitlist removes user from all channels your in12)- #shit | echo -at 12-(1313info12!11disabled the current shitlist12)-
..add nick: { /guser 5 $$1 2 | /guser 5 $$1 3 | /ban $$1 3 | /kick # $$1 4shitlisted! | { .splay $mircdirsystem\ezekiel.wav } | echo -at 12-(1313info12!11you added $$1 to the shitlist :)12)- | echo -at 12-(1313info12!11shitlist removes user from all channels your in12)- }
..del nick:/ruser 5 $$?="nick to be removed" 2 | /ruser 5 $$?="nick to be removed" 3 | /notice $$1 You are not shitlisted any longer.
..clear:/rlevel 5
..add nick: { /echo -at 12-(1313info12!11blacklist removes user from ONLY this channel: $chan 12)- | /blacklist $1 | { .splay $mircdirsystem\ezekiel.wav } }
..del nick:/.msg chanserv akick # DEL $$?="Nick"
..list:/msg chanserv akick # list
..akill add:/msg operserv akill add $$?="Enter mask please" Banned | { .splay $mircdirsystem\ezekiel.wav } | /timer 1 1 /kill $$1 Removed by $me Banned from Network
..akill del:/msg operserv akill del $$?="Enter Mask Please"
..akill list:/msg operserv akill list

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