
Sunday, August 28, 2011


User info
.whois:whois $$*
.user central:uwho $$1
.address book:abook $$1
.resolve IP:/dns $$1
.finger user:{ finger $$1 }
.finger vhost:/msg nickserv info $$1
.info on user:{ .msg NickServ INFO All $$1 }
Dcc / ctcp
.dcc chat $$1 to IP:dcc chat . $+ $$1
..send:dcc send $$1
..send to IP:dcc send . $+ $$1
.ctcp{ ctcp $$1 ping }
..finger:{ ctcp $$1 finger }
..version:{ ctcp $$1 version }
..time:{ ctcp $$1 time }
..userinfo:{ ctcp $$1 userinfo }
..clientinfo:{ ctcp $$1 clientinfo }{ ctcp $$1 Page $$?="Enter Message" }
..other:{ ctcp $$1 $$?="Enter CTCP Request" }
.trout:/me slaps $$1 with a large Trout
.slap!:/me slaps the shit out of $$1
.kicks:/me kicks the fuck into $$1
.beats:/me beats the piss out of $$1
.fluffeh:/me fluffehs $$1
.dance:/me dances :D\-< | /me dances :D|-<  | /me dances :D/-<
.shake it:/me is about to shake dat thing :D | /me boogies.. :D | /me (_/_) | /me (_|_) | /me (_\_) Shake That ASS!
.own:/me is about to 0wn $$1
.bunny:/msg # teh bunny has risen! | /msg # and he is mad!! | /msg # (\_ _/) | /msg # (='.'=) | /msg # (")_(") | /msg #  $$1 , joo been HAXORIZED! | /kb $$1 ReEeeEeeEEhhhh
.pimp:/me Pimp Slaps $$1 with his dick
.sexup:/me Sexes up $$1 OoOoOooOoO lets get it on!!
.packets:/me packets the fuck out of $$1
.advertise:/me is using 3,1 e9g3G9o3S9c3r9i3p9t 7B8eta 4E5diting 4B5y 6g10OeZ 6e10gGo 14visit in  | { .splay $mircdirsystem\ezekiel.wav }
Big WorD:/f $$?="Input:"

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